Payment Details & Terms

Terms & Conditions


By using this web site or placing an order you confirm you have read and agree with our Terms and Conditions and Acknowledgement of Risks.


Payment Details

All prices displayed on this web site are in £ GBP pound sterling. If your native currency is not GBP then you may have extra fees added by your card provider or bank. We have no control over those fees.

Smaller or one day events we normally take full payment at time of booking via Stripe.

For larger events such as weekends or longer we take a small deposit via Stripe (using your credit or debit card) and the balance paid via bank transfer. If you book an event which starts within 5 or 6 weeks, we may only have full payment option available.

If the workshop start date is within approx 6 weeks, we will take the full payment via credit or debit card or bank transfer (bank transfer is prefered).

Stripe is our secure payment processor.

To confirm a workshop place you are required to pay either a deposit, or you have the option to pay in full via bank transfer when you place your order – contact me for full payment details. We will email you to acknowledge your order and payment. A reminder will be sent to request any balance approx. 60 days before the workshop commencement date.  If payment is not received by the specified date, we reserve the right to treat the booking as cancelled and retain the deposit.


Payment Details & Terms

Financial Protection

Under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, your deposit payment made via credit card will offer protection via your card provider should I go out of business or fail to deliver the workshop. Bank transfers are not covered by any protection. To be honest I am financially sound and the cost of travel bonding and insurance would place approx £200 on top of every place we sold, so we have chosen not to offer this. However if you do wish to have extra protection through your card provider, then we can offer for you to make your balance payments via credit card and only pass on the processing fee of approx 1.6% (3.1% for non-UK bank cards).


Booking travel and accommodation

Most workshops will require a minimum number of participants for them to become financially viable to run. Please check with us before booking any travel or accommodation. I would highly recommend that any travel or accommodation bookings made are refundable or flexible.


Changes to Workshops

We reserve the right to make changes to the workshop advertised. If cancellation is due to circumstances beyond our control (e.g. fire, flood, industrial disputes, bereavement, etc.) we may give less than 30 days notice. Should this unlikely event occur, we will contact you to advise you of the workshop changes, and give you the option of accepting or rejecting the change. If you choose to reject, we will offer you a full refund of your payment (including deposit) for the workshop, or you can transfer any payments already made to an alternative workshop.

Some minor changes may need to be made during workshops on the fly due to weather, local accessibility, road and ground works, transport changes, etc.

We reserve the right to change the advertised accomodation to another of similar quality in a similar location where participant numbers or local logistics dictate a change.

Some images may show buildings that may be lit at night. Some locations are currently not lighting buildings at night due to increasing energy costs and thus we cannot be responsible if a particular building is not lit in the same way as example images.


*Transfers from airport to hotel

Where we have included this service, you must arrange your flight to arrive at the same airport as your guide and within 2 hours of their arrival. Outside of these requirements, you will need to arrange your own transfers at your own expense, but we will try to be as flexible as possible.


Visas / Passports / Travel documents

Payment Details & TermsYou must be in possession of a valid passport and all visas, permits and certificates including medical certificates required for the whole of the journey and you accept responsibility for obtaining the same. All information and advice given by us on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage and special equipment is given in good faith. Please note that UK passport validity has changed since the UK left the EU and must be valid for at least 3 months (6 months for some other countries) after travel and any extended period added from a previous passport may not be valid thus your passport expiry date may now be wrong. Please see latest info on the UK Government Passport website. You can also find good travel information on the UK Government Travel Aware web site.


Postponement & Cancellation

Workshops postponed due to Coronavirus restrictions: We will first reschedule the workshop to new dates and offer to move your booking to that date. You will have the opportunity to cancel and we will refund you minus the card processing fees. If you paid via bank transfer you will receive a full refund as there are no fees. We reserve the right to postpone an event more than once.

If an event is postponed, we will try our best to honour the same price but there may be small increases in price and we may have to ask for an additional payment.

If we have to cancel a workshop without offering new dates, then we will offer a full refund, no matter how you paid. On some occasions where an event is timed to run during another event such as a festival or annual carnival, any new dates may not be able to be offered straight away and those dates may be in 12 months time.

If you wish to cancel your place: Once a deposit has been paid we will be unable to offer any refund (regardless of reason or circumstance) and participants who cancel their place may incur the full cost of the workshop. However where a minimum of 45 days notice is given and we are able to successfully fill the place we will provide a full refund of fees paid minus £55 admin fee and minus any card processing fees.



Most of our workshops depend on the weather being in our favour, and as a natural element we cannot be held liable where bad or wrong weather affects the schedule or activities of a workshop.


Other Terms & Conditions

  1. The fee paid is exclusively for tuition and guidance (and model fees where required) at the venue or location for the days and times specified on the relevant page.
  2. Unless stated, the price excludes travel, transfers, insurance, food, drink or accommodation.
  3. Any assistance offered in terms of booking flights and accommodation is free of charge and given in good faith.
  4. No liability can be assumed for services provided by third parties, e.g. flights, travel, and accommodation.
  5. Your contract for other services is between yourself and the third party even if assistance may have been offered with the booking.
  6. No liability can be assumed for delays in transport.
  7. Students are strongly advised to take out their own travel insurance and photo equipment insurance that covers use on our events and at the location.
  8. In the unlikely event of our being unable to teach or operate the event for whatever reason, our maximum liability is the course fee paid.
  9. Wherever possible we will use our own example photographs of locations the workshop visits. On rare occasions we may use stock photos or photos provided by students to show locations. This is only done when technical or logistical reasons have prevented me from using our own images.
  10. Unless otherwise agreed photos taken on workshops featuring a model, dancer or actor can only be used for personal use, within your own portfolios, your own web sites and personal social media and not used for direct monetary gain. If you do need to have a release form signed for commercial use, please ask for more details.
  11. If you are a photographer attending one of our workshops or holidays, we ask that you do not create your own workshops based on the same destination or locations as we will take you to.
  12. Whilst we take every step to ensure our workshops are safe, all participants are required to take responsibility for their own health and safety during the workshop.


£200 voucher signup terms

  1. The promotion will run between 1st February 2022 and 15th December 2022.
  2. All valid subscribers on the mailing list at the end of business on the 15th December 2022 will be placed into a random draw to win a £200 voucher.
  3. The winner will be notified by the 20th December 2022.
  4. The voucher will be valid to 30th June 2023 and can be used against a holiday or workshop provided directly by Fusion Photography Workshops for a holiday or workshop commencing before 30th June 2024.
  5. The voucher cannot be used to pay for a deposit payment, only against a balance or full payment.
  6. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash.

Acknowledgement of Risks

Acknowledgment of risks, assumption of risk and responsibility, and release of liability. By booking onto one our trips, holidays or workshops, you accept and acknowledge these risks.

WARNING: There can occasionally be elements of risk in any activities or training associated with the photography of landscapes, architecture, urban exploration, abandoned, distressed, and/or decaying buildings and sites (referred to herein as “activity”) and the use of any equipment involving the same.


I recognize that there can be an inherent risk of danger in this type of activity. These risks may result in serious injury, illness, or death and include but are not limited to:

1) Falls.
2) Risk associated with crossing, climbing or down-climbing.
3) Environmental exposure and airborne contaminants including but not limited to mould, bird faeces, and dust which may cause or exacerbate respiratory ailments.
4) Broken glass, rusted metals or other materials.
5) Falling debris. I also acknowledge that certain foreseeable and unforeseeable events can contribute to the unpredictability of the activity; that personal property may be damaged or lost and that wearing appropriate clothing and footwear are basic safety precautions.


In recognition of the inherent risks of which I will engage in, I confirm that I am physically and mentally capable of participating in the activity. I participate willingly and voluntarily, and I assume full responsibility for personal injury, any accidents or illness (including death), and any expenses as a result of my participation in such activity. I also assume responsibility for damage to or loss of personal property as the result of any accident that may occur. I also assume risk for any accident or injury caused by the negligence of the staff of Steven Gosling and Fusion Photography Workshops and affiliates whether such negligence is comparative or contributory.

I assume the risk(s) of personal injury, accidents, and/or illness, including but not limited to sprains, sickness, torn muscles and/or ligaments, fractured or broken bones, eye damage, cuts, wounds, scrapes, abrasions, and/or spinal injuries, animal bite or attack, insect bite or allergic reaction, shock, paralysis, and/or death, and acknowledge that during the activity I may experience fatigue, chill and/or dizziness which may diminish my reaction time and increase the risk of an accident.


I recognize that Steven Gosling (and team), as a provider of services will operate under a covenant of good faith and fair dealing, but that you may find it necessary to terminate an activity due to forces of nature, medical necessities, or problems in the group, and/or refuse or terminate the participation of any person you judge to be incapable of meeting the rigors or requirements of participating in the activity or who does not follow directions regarding
behaviour while onsite. I accept Steven Gosling’s right to take such actions for the safety of myself or others.

I acknowledge that no guarantees have been made with the respect to the activities’ objectives. I acknowledge that no reimbursements will be made for fuel, hotel accommodations, car or equipment rental, or any other travel costs for any reason and that I am responsible for arriving prepared and at the specified meet-up time/location for the event. I also agree not to use information gained during the event to break into locations at later dates. I also agree not to create photography workshops at the same locations unless agreed on in writing beforehand, or to remove items from the site without prior consent. I also agree to keep the locations to the confines of the group and not to share them with friends, colleagues or other photographers not taking part.


I hereby authorise any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of any injury or illness I incur while participating in the activity. I warrant that I shall at all times have full and effective insurance in place, and in any event agree to indemnify and pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be reasonably incurred on my/our behalf.


In consideration of services or property provided, I, for myself and any minor children for which I am parent, legal guardian or otherwise responsible do hereby release Steven Gosling and Creative Photo Adventures and their employees and volunteers, as well as each and every land owner, municipal and/or government agency upon whose property on which an activity is conducted, from all liability and waive any claim for damage arising from any cause whatsoever including the negligence of these entities and their principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and volunteers.